
Trust us with your cybersecurity—we’ve got the world’s finest hackers working for us (to keep them far away from you)!

Click. Chill. We've got IT (212) 845-9281

Make Cybersecurity
a Priority

You’ve seen your company get built from the ground up, and you’ve been there for all the hours it took to get it up and running—now it’s time to protect what you’ve created. The last thing you want is for all of your hard work to go down the drain due to a preventable cyber attack. That’s why it’s so important for companies to have a reliable managed cybersecurity plan in place.

What You Risk Without Reliable Cybersecurity

Here’s an unfortunate reality—most small businesses close down within six months of a cyberattack. Not only do they face financial losses, but the breach can also damage their reputation and leave them vulnerable to further attacks, significantly weakening the business. Without proper managed cybersecurity, you could be at risk for:

  • Ransomware
  • Data Breaches
  • Security Vulnerabilities
  • Malware Infections
FuhgeddaboudIT Worries

Protect Your Business with isSecure

We know that fighting cybercrime probably isn’t what you started a business for; that’s why we can do it for you. At Diversified IS, we’re proud to offer isSecure, a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that helps protect your business’s critical data and systems.

With us on your team, you won’t have to worry about staying vigilant against cyber crime on top of all your other daily business operations; we’ll gladly free up your time so that you can focus on growing your business.

Get Started

isSecure Provides the Solutions You Need

We pride ourselves on coming in to save the day.
Get started with the best of the best in New York City.

What is isSecure?

isSecure is an all-inclusive suite of managed cybersecurity solutions designed to adapt to the unique attributes and challenges of your business. We have a proactive approach to cybersecurity, identifying vulnerabilities in your systems, monitoring those systems, and applying applicable security patches among other security measures.

What We do

We’ll protect your data by securing servers, applications, and emails with 24/7 monitoring solutions, so your business can always stay ahead of hackers. We have the tools and resources to keep your business safe against any potential cyberthreats, and we’re ready to use them!

Hello Security, Goodbye Hackers

Diversified IS: More Than Just IT

At Diversified IS, we know that it’s hard to trust someone else with the success of your business—that’s why we’re determined to set you on the right path and bring as much value to your company as possible. We’re committed to providing our clients with quick response times and excellent customer service, so you can always trust that your systems will be safe and secure.

When you partner with us, you can trust that we’re just as invested in your company’s success as you are. We strive to be more than just an IT company you contract—we want to be considered an extension of your business as we work to protect it and watch it thrive. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to take the worry out of protecting your company’s systems and data—so that you can focus on what you do best. 

Unsure? Let’s Change That!

Take Your Technology to the Next Level

We’re relentless in our pursuit of excellence for our clients. We know that their business is their lifeblood, and we come alongside them to get the job done right every time.

Get a Quote (212) 845-9281